Aquamarine Sphere - Small
Aquamarine Sphere - Small
Overview: Aquamarine is a blue or blue-green variety crystal that gives off cooling and soothing energies. Derived from the Latin meaning of 'Water of the Sea', this beautiful mineral can be found in Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Australia, Africa, and the United States. In Ancient lore Aquamarine was believed to be a treasure of mermaids, and used for good luck, fearlessness, and protection to sailors. Also has been valued as a stone of eternal youth / happiness.
Chakras: Engages with the Throat chakra to assist in open and clear communication of one's highest truth. A water element stone that bringing one in touch with the subconscious and our deepest emotions.
Spiritual: Aquamarine is good for all types of calming and cooling, from hot flashes to anger. For women: lends the courage and clarity to express one's inner knowing and enhances intuitive abilities. For Men: it helps dispel emotional numbness and the difficulty men sometimes face with having a hard time communicating their feelings openly, Calms frustrations and keeps one's temper in check (even when being tested) For both sexes it promotes gentle, truthful, and compassionate communications. For children who have are shy or have a hard time verbalizing it can help break them out of their bubble. A powerful cleansing agent for the emotional body
Affirmation for working with Aquamarine: I embody the yielding, cooling power of water and I express my truth with calm certainty. I open myself to all the light and love that the universe has to offer