Lapis Lazuli Large Tower - 0.6kg - Top Quality
Lapis Lazuli Large Tower - 0.6kg - Top Quality
Key Words: inner vision, truthful communication, royal virtues
Element: wind
Chakras: Third Eye & Throat
Overview: Lapis Lazuli is a stead-fast aid into the deep inner journey. It helps to activate the psychic centers at the third eye, allowing one to develop enhanced intuition and access to spiritual guidance. Known for being a stone of self-knowledge and reflection.
Spiritual: Helps to awaken the third eye and enhances one's ability to visualize and receive visual guidance o information. Can be helpful to enhance one's meditative journeys, can facilitate past and alternative life viewings.
Emotional: Allows one to identify habits, patterns and lessons one may have difficulty perceiving consciously , which may be blocking one from making spiritual progression.
Physical: Helps one identify karmic routes of disease, it can be an aid in identifying habitual thought patterns and emotions that are sabotaging one's healing.
Affirmations: I claim the sovereignty and power of my highest self, and I align myself with my highest truth.