Tremolite Pendants
Tremolite Pendants
Key Words: Access to higher knowledge, calmness & clarity, activation of the higher mind
Element: Wind
Chakras: Crown(7th), Soul Star (8th), Transpersonal & etheric (9th-14th, above the head)
*Helps to open the pineal gland, leading to the opening of the Third Eye and Crown Chakras
*Wind element ally known to regulate energies, & consciousness - Stimulates the prana and helps one to be more aware of the movement of energy and life force through the body & aura.
*Helps one to gain insight without attachment.
*Helps one to amplify the energies of specific thoughts and prayers, allowing us to fully resonate with an intended energy.
*Spiritual: Helps one to maintain focus, expand consciousness and remain present during meditation. It's energy is expansive but does not cause spaciness.
Emotional: Emotionally neutral
Physical: Helpful for respiratory alignments like asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. supports the oxygenation of the blood.
Affirmations: I offer myself to the divine, with a surrendered mind and an open heart.